The passion for motorcycle riding and adventure is examined in this episodic documentary film series created by award winning documentary film director, and sports car racing cinematographer Adrian Prawica. The series explores the different types of riders, their culture, passion and approach to riding. Featuring America’s greatest roads, this series provides a personal and an intimate look behind the rider, their unique connections to their motorcycle, and the vast beauty of the American landscape.
Riders share their “close to heart” personal back stories of their motorcycle passions, as they experience riding on one of America’s greatest routes on the motorcycle of their choice. To balance the passion and nostalgia, the episode also features historical facts about the routes, as well as technical specs for the chosen bike to satisfy the knowledge-seeking viewer. The series packs a dynamic mix of passion, nostalgia, gear-tech info, and most of all amazing motorcycle, and open road adventure shots that will rattle the viewer’s own inner passion and appreciation for motorcycling. The goal is to make the viewer feel as if he/she are experiencing this themselves.
Adrian Prawica is a 5 time award-winning documentary filmmaker who‘s historical documentaries have been features on PBS, Discovery, and other TV stations in over 30 countries and millions of viewers. Adrian’s commercial cinematography is mostly concentrated on automotive and action cinematography including directing and managing a documentary team for the Alex Job Porsche 936GT, and the Scuderia Corsa Ferrari 488GT team in the IMSA Sports Car Championship Series. To date he’s been a part of three Super Bowl productions, directing one of them in 2017.
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